With around a quarter of a million members, the WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK. It exists to educate women to enable them to provide an effective role in the community, to expand their horizons and to develop and pass on important skills.
The WI has an unrivalled reputation as a voice of reason, integrity and intelligence on issues that matter to women and their communities.
The WI campaigns on a wide range of social and environmental justice issues concerning women both at home and abroad. Ending violence against women, environmental sustainability, food and farming are some of the issues on the WI’s campaign agenda.
Denman in Oxfordshire offers women a wide range of learning opportunities for both members and non-members. Subjects range from baking, crochet and historical walks to world street food, silver jewellery and T’ai Chi.
The NFWI also has a trading subsidiary, WI Enterprises Ltd, which transfers its taxable profits back to the NFWI. WI Enterprises raises funds through activities with commercial organisations, organising sponsorship and affiliation partnerships and by producing bespoke products for members. The company also coordinates the annual NFWI raffle and produces WI Life, the membership magazine, on behalf of the organisation.
The WI is here to inspire you. The WI is all about inspiring women. It’s a rich source of experience, knowledge and skills passed down through generations and updated every day.
The WI is everything you want it to be. The WI is naturally diverse. It offers all kinds of opportunities to all kinds of women. For some women we offer an opportunity to catch up with friends; for others, it’s a route to learning new skills; and for some the campaigning aspect of the organisation may be a key motivator.
The WI is what you make of it. The WI comes in all shapes and sizes. We offer women the opportunity to join and be involved in the way that suits them. Usually this means joining a local WI, though some may prefer to set up a new WI with other like-minded women, and others may even prefer to be Associates of the National Federation of WIs with the opportunity for local involvement.
Menith Wood WI members look forward to welcoming visitors to any of their meetings which run from 7.30pm to around 9.30pm at The Old Chapel Hall in Menith Wood on the first Monday of the month – unless otherwise indicated.