In Prayer

prayer-handsOur prayer life is an important part of our spiritual growth and is one of the ways we can listen to God’s word to us. You can offer up your prayers anywhere and at any time. If you do not feel able to articulate your prayers, God knows our needs and understands the yearnings of your heart.

Prayer is individual and the important thing is to pray as you feel comfortable. You could spend time quietly being open to God’s presence; being thankful for blessings; holding before God any cares or concerns.

Sometimes it is helpful to have a focus for your prayer time; a picture that you find inspiring, an icon, or light a candle to symbolise your prayers. Some pray regularly at a particular time each day, others find that a particular place, indoors or out, helps them to centre themselves in prayer.

In my heart and home the blessing of God.
In my coming and going the peace of God.
In my life and believing the love of God.
At each ending and new beginning
the arms of God to welcome me.   Amen

Our Parish provides a number of different opportunities and resources to help you in your Prayer life. All the groups below are open to everyone, and you will be made most welcome.

Quiet Prayer Days at Glasshampton

Several times a year at nearby Glasshampton Monastery, a group from the parish attend a session of prayer and quiet contemplation. Each session has a specific theme and leader.

Contact one of the Church Wardens for further details.

The Diocesan Prayer Diary

Using the Prayer Diary means that on each day all of us across the Diocese can pray for the same individuals. We don’t need to know the individuals for whom we are praying, we just need to know they are our fellow disciples in Christ, and they need to know that we are holding them by name before God.

Here is today’s prayer from the diary:

You can access the Prayer Diary on the Diocesan website, where there is a link to download the current Quarterly booklet, and you can find previous days’ prayers.

You can view and download the current Quarterly Prayer Diary from here. The next Prayer Diary starting in December can be found here.

Quiet Garden Movement

The Quiet Garden Movement encourages the provision of a variety of local venues where there is an opportunity to set aside time to rest and to pray.

St Mary’s Church, Kyre, one of the churches of Teme Valley South, host a series of events each year, and details of their 2015 programme and contact information can be found here.
Spiritual Direction Network

A spiritual direction network has been active within the diocese for a number of years. This group of clergy and lay people seeks to support those engaged in spiritual direction, and to encourage its more widespread use.

More information can be found here (PDF file).

Just Pray

The website creates a place for prayer with advice on what prayer is and how to pray. The site also provides a “live prayer” feed of prayers being prayed across the globe via Twitter, Instagram and Vine.

Almighty God and Father,
help me to be still in your presence,
that I may know myself to be of your people,
and you to be my God;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen

James M Todd

Lord, teach me to pray.
Help me to come with boldness to the throne of grace.
Make me conscious of your presence.
Give me the freedom of the Holy Spirit.
Enlarge my vision and increase my faith.
And may my words and my thoughts
be now acceptable in your sight,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.   Amen

Frank Colquhoun

Heavenly Father,
graciously receive these my prayers,
whether spoken with my lips or echoed in my heart;
and answer them as may be best for me
and those for whom I have prayed,
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen

Frank Colquhoun

Lord what I know not teach me;
what I have not give me;
and what I am not, make me;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen