
Welcome to the Parish of Teme Valley North, set in the beautiful Teme Valley. If you are new here, it’s great to see you! Please follow this link to find out more about us.

Bishop John Announces Retirement 

After serving as Bishop of Worcester for 17 years, Bishop John Inge recently announced his intention to retire in September.

“Being Bishop of Worcester has been an enormous privilege”, said Bishop John. “By the time I leave I shall have been here nearly 17 years, the longest I have lived anywhere in my life. I have lived through the best of times and the worst of times in my personal life during those years and am more grateful than I can say for all the love and support I have received.” Please click here to read full article.

Following Bishop John’s announcement, the process will begin to find the next Bishop of Worcester. This will be led by a small group of people from across the Diocese as well as from the national church and will involve wide consultation with those in our parishes. During the vacancy, the Bishop of Dudley, Martin Gorick will become Acting Diocesan Bishop. Further information on the process for selecting the next Bishop of Worcester will be available shortly.

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