The Tote raises money for our Parish: In the year to March 2024 this was £3300 for the churches in Teme Valley North and Teme Valley South. It also paid out £1,200 to 36 lucky subscribers.
Anyone is able to subscribe. We encourage new subscribers and old subscribers wishing to increase their stake. You pay £10 per ticket and for this you are entered in a draw each month (that’s 83p per draw) for 12 months (April to March). The monthly prizes are £50, £30 and £20. A number of people have multiple tickets (in two cases, 10 each!). What usually happens is that someone buys a ticket or several for each of their family members.
The series starts in April of each year when you are able to give your money to a local coordinator whose details are as follows:
Knighton: Dawn Hubbard
Lindridge: Mary Walker
Pensax: Clive Conyers
Stockton: Lexie Taylor
You can also pay by Standing Order using the form which you can download here.
Please note that if you have an existing Standing Order in place you will automatically be enrolled for the next year. If there are any problems with this, we will be in contact.
If you wish to use Internet banking to set up the Standing Order or make a one-off subscription, the details are: Name: North Teme Group of Churches Tote Account; Bank Sort Code: 20-39-64; Account Number: 30947539.
If you don’t manage to get set up by the end of March, you can always pay for any remaining months on a pro-rata basis. Contact Robin Dean for details on 01886 853 295 or by email at