Some time ago the idea was muted that I would write a series of articles about the name, ‘4Rivers Churches’ and about the four actual rivers that the title refers to. In doing so, we could then reflect about our geography, identity, our environment and God. The ‘lightness’ of this article suddenly acquires a bit of gravitas.
Where does the name ‘4Rivers Churches’ come from and what is it for?
As this is a bit of fun, and a teaser, let us start by saying what it isn’t.
“4Rivers Churches” doesn’t exist in law. There is no official grouping of Churches called “4Rivers”, at least not in our neighbourhood. The title is informal.
It is not the Rivers Academy Trust. “The Rivers CofE Academy Trust” (to use the official full title) is a multi academy (mainly primary) school trust whose head office is in Droitwich.
It is not the schools, though there are three church schools in the ‘4Rivers Churches’ area,
Lindridge St Lawrence CE Primary, Abberley Parochial VC Primary, and Great Witley CE Primary. The latter, Great Witley CE Primary School, however, belongs to the Rivers Academy Trust.
4Rivers Churches is not the Church Buildings. ‘Church’ means ‘God’s Gathered People’ The Church Buildings are traditionally, where ‘The Church’ gathers for worship.
If I try to say where the name ‘4Rivers Churches’ actually comes from, it would give away which rivers they are. For now, after this introductory ‘meandering’ flowing teaser, here is the key question…
What are the four rivers in mind? Here’s a hint: actually it is two rivers, and two brooks.
By the way – you’ll have to wait until next month to know which the four rivers are. That’s the teaser bit. See you next month for the answer!
Stay Safe, Rev Ted.