As the season turns to autumn and the church’s year naturally begins to look towards remembrance, with All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance Sunday on the horizon, our marking of this special year takes a new depth. Each church has researched the stories behind the men on the war memorial, and a booklet will be available to those who are interested in knowing the fullness of those lives that were given in sacrifice.
Also, on September 24th there is a quiet morning at Glasshampton centred on the story The English Patient. Although this is based in World War II, it is a tale that interweaves the personal with the tragedy and sacrifice that are the hallmarks of any global conflict. All are welcome to join in.
There will also be a concert of music and readings on these themes at Stockton church – be alert to notices in this magazine as to the date and time. However you choose to mark this centenary year, may we all do so with respect, gratitude and a commitment to peaceable living as a tangible outcome of those sentiments.
On a personal note, in case you have not already heard, I have been offered a new post as vicar of Topsham and Countess Wear in Devon. Paul, Meredith and I will be moving to live along the Exe estuary at the end of this year, and feel ourselves hugely blessed to be moving from one area of outstanding beauty to another. Moreover, we move gratefully counting many blessings of friendship and care that we have experienced living here in Teme Valley North over the past eleven and half years. We shall greatly miss community even more than landscape even as we embrace new horizons.
The harvest thanksgiving service on October 5th, at Lindridge church, 9.30am, will be an opportunity to give thanks indeed and bid farewell. It would be lovely to see you there.
Rev’d Louise Grace